Bellamy’s Blog

The Bellamy’s Blog is all the Bellamy’s coffee news, tips & tricks, and upcoming events. If there is something you would like us to answer to talk about, we would love to hear from you and hopefully include it in a Bellamy’s Blog post!

So where did “Bellamy’s” come from?

Francis Bellamy was the man who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance. The modern-day version of the Pledge of Allegiance lays out our founding ideals perfectly: an indivisible unity, a belief in God, and undeniable freedom. At Bellamy’s, we consider ourselves citizens. First, we are citizens of the world and as we grow we are also turning our attention to smaller, less commercialized farms that are fair to their workers. We are also citizens of the United States. We are not apologetic about our patriotism and are veteran and first-responder owned. Most of all, we are citizens of a higher kingdom. Our belief in God and the Bible inspires honesty, quality, and a positive attitude. With Bellamy’s Coffee Roasting Company, you can expect a good product delivered with a smile at a fair price.

When you buy Bellamy’s coffee, you are supporting a business that is committed to people. Bellamy’s Coffee Roasting Company is not really about Francis Bellamy and his beliefs. Bellamy’s Coffee Roasting Company is about recognizing that what brings us together is stronger than what separates us. It is about serving all people starting in our community and spreading outward. Most of all, Bellamy’s is about an understanding that we serve a greater purpose that is bigger than ourselves. We are so glad that you are a part of it!